Information 1-3

  • Undertaken to identify early neurological deficits such as Dementia requiring further investigation

Health check recommendations

  • All adults > 55 years of age

1. Procedure

  • Ask the person the questions and explore as per Table 1.
  • With consent, also consider asking significant others
  • Provide brief intervention if required
  • Determine if the person requires further assessment, make a referral and place on a follow-up and recall register

Table 1. Cognition and recall questions 1



Do you have any concerns about your memory or thinking?

  • Forget taking medicines, appointment dates, conversations?

Is anyone in your family worried about your memory or thinking?

  • Repeating things to you? Asking if you recall recent events?

2. Results 2,3

  • If person answers ‘yes’ perform further cognitive assessment using:
    • the Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (KICA) Screen or KICA Carer used for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people > 45 years of age and followed by cognitive assessment with the KICA-Cog tool OR
    • the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) OR
    • the General Practitioner (GP) assessment of cognition (GPCOG) used by GPs for the general population OR
    • the Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) or the Barthel Index to assess a person’s activity of daily living function and level of disability
    • See Resource 1. for all cognitive screening assessment tools
  • Refer to MO/NP with above screening results

3. Brief intervention

  • Dementia is a condition associated with many different diseases characterised by the impairment of brain functions including language, memory, perception, personality and cognitive skills
  • Provide support Resources 2.

4. Referral

  • Refer to MO/NP or gerontology services for further assessment if:
    • the person answers ‘yes’ to any of the questions
    • further screening tools identify a cognitive deficit
    • the person shows confusion for which a cause cannot be determined
    • the person’s behaviour has notably changed (witnessed or reported by family)

5. Follow-up

  • Place the person on a recall register if required
  • Ensure all referrals are actioned
  • Provide the person or carer with details of the next scheduled follow-up appointment

6. References

7. Resources

  1. Cognitive screening and assessment tools
  2. Dementia Australia support services and Forward with dementia
  3. Let’s CHAT Dementia Webinar Series