Chronic Conditions Manual 3rd Edition

Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions in Rural and Remote Australia

Queensland Health's Chronic Conditions Manual cover

The Chronic Conditions Manual: Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions in Rural and Remote Australia (3rd edition) has been developed using contemporary, evidenced literature and best practice frameworks, with use by clinicians as a core aim.

Having access to concise nationally accepted management guidelines to address chronic conditions in a clear, consistent and evidenced manner is a vital part of the patient's journey to a healthier life.

The PDF version is the controlled copy of the CCM. Downloaded and hardcopies are uncontrolled. Users are responsible for accessing the controlled copy and regularly checking for updates.

The Chronic Conditions Manual website is currently in beta format. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is a true and accurate reflection of the manual, there may still be minor fine tuning required. As such, the PDF of the CCM remains the controlled version of this manual. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance this platform; please share your thoughts via this link - Chronic Conditions Manual Site Feedback.

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