Adult health checks
This section provides best-practice recommendations for routine Medicare compliant health checks of people > 15 years. Both health check sections focus on health promotion and are complemented by both the Lifestyle modifications and Management of diagnosed conditions.
Advance care planning
A voluntary process of planning for future health and personal care where a person’s values, beliefs and preferences are documented to guide decision-making at a time when a person cannot make or communicate decisions
Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs adult
Adult health checks on usage of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATODs) that provides clinicians with an opportunity to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours and prevent or improve chronic conditions
Body measurements adult
Body measurement assessments undertaken to monitor risk of future chronic conditions allowing clinicians to promote health lifestyle behaviours
Clinical measurements adult
Checks undertaken to monitor, identify and address chronic conditions and provide clinicians with an opportunity for lifestyle modifications education
Cognition and recall
Assessments undertaken to identify early neurological deficits such as dementia requiring further investigation
Continence and elimination adult
Checks undertaken to identify and address the varied conditions associated with adult incontinence to improve a persons social-emotional wellbeing and quality of life
Domestic and family violence
Assessments used to help identify domestic and family violence (DFV) early on allowing clinicians to support people to lead safe lives by preventing harm from violence
Ears and hearing adult
Adult ears and hearing health checks undertaken to identify, manage and prevent ear disease and hearing loss
Eyes and vision adult
Adult eyes and vision checks performed to identify and manage visual impairments, particularly among older people, where falls and reduced quality of life are a common outcome
Functional capacity and safety
Assessments used to monitor functional capacity and safety as people age, allowing for early intervention to ensure a continued safe healthy quality of life
Nutrition adult
Checks performed to identify poor eating habits in adults and to prevent future chronic conditions by providing diet and nutrition brief intervention
Oral health adult
Checks performed to identify dental caries and periodontal disease early to prevent or manage Coronary heart disease, diabetes, and diet and nutrition
Pathology adult
Taking pathology allows clinicians to identify people who are at risk of developing chronic conditions, monitor those who have a chronic condition, and identify those who have treatable infections
Physical activity adult
Knowing a person’s level of activity allows the clinician to determine the risk of future health problems and to provide brief intervention early
Reproductive health
Reproductive health checks allows the clinician to identify chronic conditions or disorders of reproductive organs
Skin adult
Skin checks undertaken to identify people at risk of infections or parasites that can lead to chronic conditions.
Social-emotional wellbeing adult
Social-emotional wellbeing questions aimed at identifying adults who may be experiencing thoughts or feelings that impact negatively on their lives, finding it difficult to make positive decisions about any chronic conditions or health issues they may have, or adults at risk of depression and anxiety disorders