Chronic Conditions Manual: Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions in Rural and Remote Australia 3rd edition 2024. ISBN: 978-1-876560-21-8. © State of Queensland (Queensland Health), the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) and Apunipima Cape York Health Council.
© State of Queensland (Queensland Health), the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) and Apunipima Cape York Health Council 2024
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You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the State of Queensland (Queensland Health), the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section), Apunipima Cape York Health Council, you distribute any derivative work only under the same licence and you comply with the licence terms. To view a copy of this licence visit:
For copyright permissions beyond the scope of this licence contact: Principal Policy Officer (Intellectual Property), Office of Research and Innovation, Clinical Planning and Service Strategy Division, Queensland Health. Email:, phone (07) 3708 5069.
The Chronic Conditions Manual is distributed by Queensland Health, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) and Apunipima Cape York Health Council as an information source only and does not replace clinical judgment. The information is provided solely on the basis that readers are responsible for their own assessment of the matters presented herein and readers are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information. Specialist advice in relation to the application of the information presented in this publication must be sought as necessary to ensure the application is clinically appropriate.
In no event shall Queensland Health, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) or Apunipima Cape York Health Council be liable (including liability for negligence) for any claim, action, proceeding, demand, liability, costs, damages, expenses or loss (including without limitation, direct, indirect, punitive, special or consequential) whatsoever brought against or made upon or incurred by Queensland Health, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) or Apunipima Cape York Health Council arising out of or in connection with a person's use of or reliance on or inability to use the information or instructions provided in this publication, or incorporated into this publication by reference.
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Suggested citation
Queensland Health, Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) and Apunipima Cape York Health Council (2024) Chronic Conditions Manual: Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions in Rural and Remote Australia 3rd edition 2024, Office of Rural and Remote Hea